[Macpartners] Eduroam Announcement

Mark Silis mark at mit.edu
Mon Sep 8 17:12:22 EDT 2014

We are pleased to announce that MIT has joined eduroam - a secure, worldwide WiFi roaming service developed for the research and education community.  Members of the Institute community may already use their existing MIT credentials to connect to the "eduroam" WiFi network at thousands of educational and research institutions in the US and over 50 countries.

On August 19th, IS&T launched the on-campus "eduroam" WiFi network.  This network is available everywhere the "MIT" and "MIT SECURE" WiFi networks are available and offers the same level of security as "MIT SECURE".  Visitors to MIT from eduroam-participating institutions may connect to the on-campus "eduroam" WiFi network using their existing credentials.  Members of the MIT community may also may also connect this network.  In fact, we recommended that those travelling to an eduroam-participating institution first connect to the "eduroam" WiFi network at MIT to ensure proper connectivity.

For details on how to connect to the "eduroam" WiFi network, please visit http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/x/lXsYCQ
For more information on eduroam, please visit https://www.eduroam.us

We are very excited to bring eduroam to the MIT community!


Mark Silis
Director, Operations & Infrastructure
MIT Information Systems & Technology
mark at mit.edu 617.324.5900

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