[Macpartners] Update on OS X 10.9 Mavericks – IS&T Recommends that Mac Users WAIT

Isaac Diaz isaacd at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 4 17:14:15 EST 2013

Good afternoon,
Since the release of OS X Mavericks (10.9) on October 22, the Mavericks Release Team has continued testing on and off campus and has found several critical applications that are not ready for use with Mavericks.
Information Services and Technology (IS&T) recommends that users WAIT to upgrade to OS X Mavericks. Users should stay on their current OS X version – Lion (10.7) or Mountain Lion (10.8) – until business-critical applications are working as expected and supported by their vendors. Departmental users should always check with their local IT support before upgrading software.
Current Known Issues by Application:
VMware Fusion
VMware does not recommend the current IS&T-distributed version of VMware Fusion 5 for use with Mavericks. On November 6, IS&T will begin distribution of the vendor-recommended VMWare Fusion 6.
TSM 6.3, IS&T’s current distributed version, is not vendor-certified for Mavericks. As a result, IS&T cannot guarantee TSM’s functionality. We are working with the vendor to obtain a Mavericks-certified release of TSM. Once IS&T has received the software update we will test the updated TSM application in our environment and release TSM to the community.
Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client (VPN)
The Software Release Team and members of the community have identified a problem with Cisco AnyConnect 3.1.02026. The VPN disconnects and reconnects at random intervals (anywhere from 1-10 minutes) of its own accord. Cisco is aware of this widespread problem and is working with Apple on a solution. Cisco released a workaround on November 1; IS&T is evaluating its implementation in our environment.
While testing of the current IS&T SAPgui distribution has not revealed any issues, SAP recommends the newer SAPgui 7.3 Patch 4 or later for Mavericks. However, IS&T will not begin testing and packaging of this version until early 2014.
As a workaround, Mavericks’ users may install the IS&T Admin Virtual Machine from the Software Grid and then use VMWare Fusion 6 to run SAPgui.
The current IS&T-distributed version of Sophos for Mac is not recommended for use with Mavericks. IS&T has received the software update and we are testing the updated Sophos application in our environment. Once approved, IS&T will release the updated Sophos to the community with current users auto-updated and the new software version posted to the Software Grid.
IS&T is working with Apple to make a standalone Mavericks installer that will be available for download via the Software Grid. IS&T does not recommend downloading Mavericks onto Institute-owned equipment using an Apple ID. 
The project team will continue to keep the community apprised of known issues and their workarounds or remedies.
If you have any questions about the Mavericks Release Project, please send mail to swrt at mit.edu.
Thank you on behalf of the OS X Mavericks Release Team,
Isaac Diaz

Isaac Diaz
Mac Platform Coordinator, Software Release Team (SWRT)
Systems Engineering, Information Services & Technology (IS&T)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building W92-229A
Cambridge, MA 02139
Important: IS&T IT staff will *NEVER* ask you for your password, nor will MIT send you email requesting your password information. Please continue to ignore any email messages that claim to require you to provide such information.

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