[Macpartners] Mac Diagnostic Tool Recommendations

Rocklyn E. Clarke Sr. rclarke at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 1 12:59:28 EDT 2013


I'm interested in general recommendations for Mac diagnostic tools.

I have a MacBook Pro running MacOS 10.8.3 and I find that at least once a week my system becomes unresponsive and I need to reboot after which I go into recovery mode and run disk utility to repair the drive.  Disk Utility finds something to repair at least 50% of the time.

I'm currently considering the following:

	- Micromat TechTool Pro or TechTool Protogo
	- Micromat Checkmate
	- Alsoft DiskWarrior
	- Prosoft Drive Genius
	- Titanium Software Onyx

Any thoughts?  Any gotchas?

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