[Macpartners] get rid of ________________________ in random places

David M Rosenberg rosenberg at MIT.EDU
Sun Mar 25 17:28:14 EDT 2012


I wonder if you could be referring to lines that show up in Draft view to
indicate where page breaks will occur. If you switch to Print Layout view
and see that one page ends and the next page begins at the places where
those lines occurred in Draft view, then that would be it.

/David M Rosenberg                     <rosenberg at acm.org>

----- Message from arthurs at MIT.EDU ---------
    Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2012 12:14:18 -0400
    From: arthur steinberg <arthurs at MIT.EDU>
Subject: [Macpartners] get rid of ________________________ in random places
      To: macpartners <macpartners at MIT.EDU>

> this is a ms word problem, not a mac one, but since i use word (ugh!) 
> on my mac i thought i'd try:
> i am writing a book, and get these random lines in places in the 
> text.  lines like ____________________
> is there a way to get rid of them in a global way?  they don't seem 
> to erase; they just move elsewhere in the text.  furthermore you 
> can't select them and erase them.  you have to delete them with the 
> delete key, and then they just move somewhere else!
> thanks for your help.
> arthur
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