[Macpartners] get rid of ________________________ in random places

Bronwen J Heuer bronwenh at MIT.EDU
Sun Mar 25 13:54:10 EDT 2012

Dear Arthur,  

Maybe you could attach a little sample example.  These could be one of three
(maybe four?  A fourth I haven't thought of yet) things.

1)  possibly these are borders and are attached to the paragraph.  Try
selecting the paragraph (is the line selected also?  Turn on your show/hide
to show pilcrows  [end of paragraph markings])  and see.  Then go to Format
--> Borders and shading and see if  the dialog box indicates thats a border
is turned on. If so, in the dialog box,  click on the little thumbnail on
the left under setting that says None.

How could those have gotten there?  Well under AutoCorrect --> Auto Format
as You Type, Borders are turned on by default.  This means that six dashes
in a row creates a single line border, six equal signs a double line border.
Borders and not really separate entities, they are attached to a paragraph.
And are an annoyance.

2)  Is your text inside a table with most but not all the borders turned on?
This can look like underscoring or long blank lines.

2) Thirdly, and less likely, underscoring may be the result of  leaders
attached to tabs.  This is a bit obscure so it's not my first guess.

In terms of globally removing them, maybe, but let's figure out what they
are first.  

If you would like, send me a little sample piece of your text and I will
take a look at it. 



On 3/25/12 12:14 PM, "arthur steinberg" <arthurs at MIT.EDU> wrote:

> this is a ms word problem, not a mac one, but since i use word (ugh!) on my
> mac i thought i'd try:
> i am writing a book, and get these random lines in places in the text.  lines
> like ____________________
> is there a way to get rid of them in a global way?  they don't seem to erase;
> they just move elsewhere in the text.  furthermore you can't select them and
> erase them.  you have to delete them with the delete key, and then they just
> move somewhere else!
> thanks for your help.
> arthur
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bronwen heuer
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