[Macpartners] To those who's MacAfee Security fails to update spewing tons of text into console...

Bill Cattey wdc at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 5 23:44:31 EST 2012

I've been running the IS&T supplied version of McAfee Security on my Mac for a while.
I noticed, however that often updates will stop happening.
When I open the Console utility to see what is up I will get DAYS worth of messages of the form:

*** process 65 exceeded 500 log message per second limit  -  remaining messages this second discarded ***

(A work-around is to manually kill the /usr/local/McAfee/AntiMalware/VShieldUpdate process.  That calms things down for a couple days until it starts happening again.)

I've been tracking a thread in the McAfee online community.  Today I received news:

HF727444 which may remedy this issue was released last week and is available from the McAfee download site.

Has anyone else seen the update problem I have?
Has anyone tried the update hotfix?


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