[Macpartners] the case of the 10.7 iCal "new event" and other design grumblings

Brian Bulmer bbulmer at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 10 16:29:18 EST 2012

It's been reported that if you create a new calendar event, and just close it. Then give it about 15-20 seconds to be created/saved on the exchange server, you should then be able to open and edit the event at this point and it will stick. 
While this is not a long term solution, it will get you by till an update is released.


On Jan 10, 2012, at 14:37, "Aran M Parillo" <aran at MIT.EDU> wrote:

> Hello 10.7 iCal users of the MIT Exchange calendar.  
> I'd like to share my experience, to see if you're experiencing the same.
> Since updating to 10.7 I noticed I kept "forgetting" to put calendar event titles into things I was scheduling on my calendar.  The event would be marked in my calendar, but as the day approached and I'd check my schedule, I often would see these untitled "New Event" items. 
> This "forgetting" seems to happen, oh, every 10 entries or so… until today when I saw the title of one of my recently added events, change from what I typed to "New Event" after I had closed my editing session!   It is sufficient to say, I had not been forgetting to put event titles on, rather they were mysteriously vanishing.  
> Just for kicks I searched on "new event" and see I have 5 "new events" at the moment, some past, some future… Hope I can remember what I set that time aside for! :o
> Have you experienced this as well?  
> Am I just being too hasty with my editing? 
> Do I need to slow down so the Microsoft Exchange server can keep up with my typing speed?
> Anyways, details here are 10.7.2 using iCal to oa.exchange.mit.edu over ssl.   I primarily edit my calendar from the Month view, but can reproduce this from day/week as well as month views.
> Thanks for your thoughts here.
> Aran 
> PS: I'll mention too that I'm not thrilled w/the 10.7 iCal design.  Really, no (permanently viewable) tray for individual calendars!?  Wasted screen real estate for faux stitching and paper tears?  Srsly?
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