[Macpartners] the case of the 10.7 iCal "new event" and other design grumblings

Andrew Munchbach amunch at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 10 14:46:13 EST 2012

On Jan 10, 2012, at 2:36 PM, Aran M Parillo wrote:

Since updating to 10.7 I noticed I kept "forgetting" to put calendar event titles into things I was scheduling on my calendar.  The event would be marked in my calendar, but as the day approached and I'd check my schedule, I often would see these untitled "New Event" items.

Hi Aran--

This is a known issue in iCal 5.0.x on OS X 10.7.2 and has been reported to Apple. The issue seems to be resolved in the latest beta version of 10.7.3 -- Apple has released four 10.7.3 betas in the past few months and I expect a public release within the next week or two.

Hope this helps and sorry about the frustration.

- - -
Andrew Munchbach
Macintosh Platform Coordinator
IS&T | Systems Engineering | SWRT
swrt at mit.edu<mailto:swrt at mit.edu>

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