[Macpartners] IS&T Announces Support for VMware Workstation 8 for Windows

Alexander Kozlov akozlov at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 3 10:35:37 EDT 2011

Good Morning,

Information Services & Technology (IS&T) is pleased to offer full support for VMware Workstation 8 for Windows. Workstation 8 lets Windows users install and manipulate supported operating systems in a virtualized environment.

The VMware website details new features for Workstation 8 for Windows<https://www.vmware.com/support/ws80/doc/releasenotes_workstation_80.html#New_Features>.

MIT faculty, staff, and students can download  Workstation 8<http://ist.mit.edu/services/software/vmware/workstation80x/windows> from IS&T's website free of charge (certificates<http://ist.mit.edu/services/certificates> required.)

The minimum system requirements for Workstation 8 are as follows:

 *   The host system must meet the following requirements:
 *   64-bit x86 CPU
 *   LAHF/SAHF support in long mode
 *   1.3GHz or faster core speed
Installation instructions for Workstation 8<http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/x/GQCCAw> can be found in the Hermes knowledge base.

Getting Help
For help installing or using Workstation 8, see IS&T's VMware Workstation 8 for Windows page<http://ist.mit.edu/services/software/vmware/workstation80x/windows>.

For additional help, please contact the IS&T Help Desk at 617.253.1101 or helpdesk at mit.edu<mailto:helpdesk at mit.edu>. You can also submit a request online<http://ist.mit.edu/support>.


Alexander Kozlov
Windows Platform Coordinator
Software Release Team
Information Services and Technology
W92 - 140B
(617) 253-5103

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