[Macpartners] kinit when run by OS X launchd (error)

Duncan Kincaid dsk at MIT.EDU
Sat Oct 3 20:49:17 EDT 2009

i've a bash shell script which runs perfectly when run from the  
command line.
specifically, the kinit and klist below works as expected:

/usr/bin/kinit -k -t /etc/something.keytab daemon/something.mit.edu at ATHENA.MIT.EDU

however when launching this same shell script as a LaunchDaemon, the  
kinit and klist fail.
the system log reports:

kinit: Error getting initial tickets: Internal credentials cache error
klist: No Kerberos 5 tickets in credentials cache

is this a bug or a feature (of my stupidity)?
i find it odd that kinit simply fails when when the script is  
controlled by launchd.
(note that all other stuff in the script runs fine when controlled by  
launchd. it is just the kinit and klist).

: Mac OS X 10.5.8 on PPC Xserve

with thanks

duncan kincaid
cron | mit school of architecture and planning

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