[Macpartners] iCal experience anyone?

Joanne Larrabee jwl at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 4 10:46:32 EST 2009

Dear Macintosh Partners --

I'm posting in behalf of a member of the MIT community who wants to  
learn more about using iCal. She would like to manage a set of  
calendars for a work group of about five people.

Are any of you running your own calendar service through Leopard  
server, or have any of you subscribed to and used MobileMe as a  
vehicle for publishing and sharing group calendars? If you have  
experience and are willing to chat with her, or with me in her behalf,  
please let me know. Similarly, if you are aware of any useful  
resources beyond the basics at http://www.apple.com/support/ical/ and  
the Help built into the product, please post.

Thanks very much,

Joanne W. Larrabee
jwl at mit.edu

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Information Services & Technology
Computing Help Desk, Client Support Services

77 Massachusetts Ave, Bldg N42-140
Cambridge, MA  02139

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