[Macpartners] spinning wheel

Hans Dietrich hansdiet at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 9 20:28:05 EST 2009

Hi Karen,
First off, disconnect all external peripherals including the network  
cable. It may be trying to connect to something. Restart.
Still the same, - then use the install CD/DVD and boot up with it  
(hold down the C key). Under the Utility menu item, go to Disk  
Utility and
highlight your hard drive and do a repair of the hard drive. Once  
that it completed, do a repair permissions. Then restart
and see what happens.
If it still comes up with the "spinning wheel", boot up on the CD/DVD  
again and reinstall the OS using the "Archive and Install" option.
That will save all your data and applications and install a new  
version of the operating system. Then you need to install all updates.

Hans Dietrich
hansdiet at mit.edu

On Jan 9, 2009, at 6:27 PM, Karen M Johnson wrote:

> Hello,
> Anyone have any advice?
> I crashed my machine and now all I have is the colored wheel. It  
> does not
> resolve itself. Multiple restarts and a restart resetting pram did  
> nothing.
> I needed to work tomorrow. Logging in to another account is the same.
> This was not related to an update.
> thanks,
> karen
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