[Macpartners] MBP with DHCP problems

Miguel A Amat mamat at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 18 09:37:06 EST 2009

Thanks to everyone in the forum and the folks at the computing  
helpdesk for the kind feedback.  As it turns out, the fix was pretty  
easy: it involved deleting the file  
"com.apple.airport.preferences.plist" in "/Library/Preferences/ 
SystemConfiguration/" and a restart of the machine and the airport.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Miguel A Amat <mamat at mit.edu>
> Date: February 17, 2009 12:37:15 PM EST
> To: macpartners at mit.edu
> Subject: MBP with DHCP problems
> Hi.  I just had the logic board of my MBP replaced due to a graphics  
> problems.  Following this repair, I am not able to connect to the  
> MIT network using DHCP.  This problem applies to both, wired and  
> wireless connections.  I tried setting a static IP manually, and  
> this allows me to connect.  Can anyone help with fixing the DHCP  
> problem?
> Thanks,
> Miguel

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