[Macpartners] iWork '09 Demo at 2/17 MacPartners Meeting

Patrick McNeal mcneal at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 10 09:48:00 EST 2009

At this month's MacPartners meeting, Steve Ragalevsky, MIT's Apple
Systems Engineer, will demonstrate the new version of iWork.  Some
of the new features he'll cover include advanced tools in Pages ’09
for writing and page layout, one-click charts in Numbers '09 and the
new cinematic animations, transitions, and effects in Keynote ’09.

Due to Presidents Day, this month's meeting will be held on Tuesday,
February 17 from Noon - 1 in the N42-Demo Center.


Patrick McNeal
Macintosh Platform Coordinator - Software Release Team
Client Support Services, Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
+1 617 253-0196
mcneal at mit.edu

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