[Macpartners] Anyone have spare PC100 or PC133 SDRAM modules?

Albert Wang wangal at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 27 14:15:14 EDT 2009

Hi Mac IT Partners folks!

I thought I'd send a request to see if anyone has any spare or retired  
512MB PC100 or PC133 168 pin SDRAM modules hanging around collecting  
dust in a drawer that they want to unload?  I've resurrected an old  
Gigabit Ethernet mac I'm trying to use as a test machine and need up  
to 4 modules.

If anyone by chance has some that they're trying to get rid of and  
would love taken away, please let me know!


Albert S. Wang
wangal at mit.edu
Desktop Support Analyst Consultant
Departmental IT Resources (DITR), IS&T
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building E19-630
Cambridge, MA 02139
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