[Macpartners] apple hard drive?

Mark J. Pearrow mjp at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 14 08:47:15 EDT 2009

Ah, I should have been more specific. I believe that the drive logic  
is what's bad, so if I can find a second drive that is exactly the  
same model as mine, I can swap the little logic board off the bottom  
and see if I can read the data. If I can read it, I have plenty of  
disk space to store it. :)


On Apr 13, 2009, at 4:01 PM, Mark J. Pearrow wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm sure this is a long shot, but would anyone happen to have an  
> Apple-
> branded hard drive from a Macbook Pro - a 100GB Fujitsu, model #
> MHV2100BH? I'm trying to recover data off a drive with a fried drive
> logic board. I would only need to borrow the drive briefly to test,
> and if lucky, recover the data off mine.
> mjp
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