[Macpartners] A problem with access to ECAT3 and other secure sites

Brian Bulmer bbulmer at MIT.EDU
Tue May 6 10:52:03 EDT 2008

If previously suggested method does not help, you can go another step...

If you do not store too many passwords in you keychain for various  
apps or web pages, follow these steps.

Option 1
Take the easy route, do the standard "Book methods":
- Use Disk utility to Repair Disk Permissions, and Verify Disk, on  
your local disk under the First Aid tab.
- Launch Keychain access in the Utilities folder, and select from the  
main menu, KeyChain First Aid.
- Remove the MIT certificates form the login, and system keychains.
- Run the repair again. Close Keychain Access, and give safari a shot  

Option 2    Note: Before doing the following, if you have a lot of  
keys that you do not want to lose, drop me a line and we can export  
them, and re-import to the new keychain, it's just a bit to explain.

Delete all system and login keychains.
- Launch Keychain Access. Remove all keys form the system keychain.
- Delete the login keychain altogether, selecting to "Delete files and  
- Create a new keychain named:   login         (Case sensitive, so all  
lower case)
	Set the password to be the same as the one you use to login to your  
mac when it is powered on.
- Highlight the newly created keychain login.
- From the file menu, select:  "Make Keychain "login" Default.
- Exit Keychain Access. Give Safari a try.

Worst comes to worst you can always use Firefox to store your  
certificates, as it uses a separate store from the standard keychain.

Hope this helps.

Brian Bulmer
DITR Information Technology Consultant
Information Services and Technology, MIT
Office: (617) 253-2163
bbulmer at mit.edu

On May 6, 2008, at 10:06 AM, Felix Kreisel wrote:

> Hello colleagues,
> I am running OS 10.5.2 and Safari 3.1.1 on a PowerMac G5. As of  
> yesterday I have lost the ability to connect to ECAT3 and other  
> secure sites. The problem started after I cleaned my Keychain of  
> what seemed to me duplicate and obsolete entries. However, I checked  
> and reinstalled the Personal and Web certificates, restarted Safari  
> and rebooted my Mac, all to no avail. When I try connecting to ECAT  
> or to my SAPWeb Self Service Benefits pages I keep getting the  
> following error:
> Safari can’t open the page “https://web.mit.edu/ecat/ecat3/ 
> index.html” because it couldn’t establish a secure connection to the  
> server “web.mit.edu”.
> Can anyone help?
> Felix Kreisel - Systems Engineer,
> Plasma Science & Fusion Center, MIT
> 617-253-8625   fjk at mit.edu
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