[Macpartners] A problem with access to ECAT3 and other secure sites

Patrick McNeal mcneal at MIT.EDU
Tue May 6 10:26:17 EDT 2008

On May 6, 2008, at 10:06 AM, Felix Kreisel wrote:

> I am running OS 10.5.2 and Safari 3.1.1 on a PowerMac G5. As of  
> yesterday I have lost the ability to connect to ECAT3 and other  
> secure sites. The problem started after I cleaned my Keychain of  
> what seemed to me duplicate and obsolete entries. However, I checked  
> and reinstalled the Personal and Web certificates, restarted Safari  
> and rebooted my Mac, all to no avail. When I try connecting to ECAT  
> or to my SAPWeb Self Service Benefits pages I keep getting the  
> following error:
> Safari can’t open the page “https://web.mit.edu/ecat/ecat3/ 
> index.html” because it couldn’t establish a secure connection to the  
> server “web.mit.edu”.

It sounds like the MIT CA might not be installed in the right spot.   
What keychain is the "MIT Certification Authority" installed in?

To check, launch the Keychain application and search for "MIT  
Certification Authority".  The location will be displayed in the  
results under the "Keychain" column.  The correct location is  
"System".  If it's someplace else, you should delete that certificate  
and re-install it following these directions:


Note, in step 4, you must specify to use the System keychain.


Patrick McNeal
Macintosh Platform Coordinator - Software Release Team
Client Support Services, Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
+1 617 253-0196
mcneal at mit.edu

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