[Macpartners] Leopard and x509Anchors Keychain

Felix Kreisel fjk at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 25 15:12:22 EDT 2008

Is the x509Anchors Keychain obsolete under Leopard?
It appears that under Leopard the x509Anchors Keychain is no longer  
installed by default. The MITCA needs to be on that Keychain, does it  
not? If you import that particular Keychain onto your "ring" (I don't  
know what to call the collection of Keychains that appear in Keychain  
Access), it shows up as "locked". You then can add the MITCA  
certificate as before, but when you try to designate the MITCA  
certificate as "trusted", you get prompted for a password. No password  
is accepted, however.

Has anyone solved this problem?

Felix Kreisel - Systems Engineer,
Plasma Science & Fusion Center, MIT
617-253-8625   fjk at mit.edu

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