[Macpartners] VMware appliances with MIT software

Jonathan McIndoe Hunt jmhunt at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 10 15:45:18 EDT 2008

Hi Allan and others,


Deb Bowser will be sending more information on the VMware Release Project
Kickoff this week.  We have discussed the idea of having a series of
preinstalled VMs and see the value to that.  There are a number of things
that need to be worked through before we can deliver such a service, some of
which have already been mentioned like licensing and user accounts.  The
initial phase of the project will focus on getting basic support in place
including how to install and setup VMware.  A later phase of the project
will focus on preconfigured VMs with a sets of preinstalled software.  Stay
tuned for Deb's note.





Jonathan McIndoe Hunt     MIT EECS '97 617.253.0172

Senior Manager Software Services

Client Support Services

Information Services & Technology, MIT



From: macpartners-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:macpartners-bounces at MIT.EDU] On
Behalf Of Allan Doyle
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 2:46 PM
To: MacPartners
Subject: Re: [Macpartners] VMware appliances with MIT software


In testing the whole idea further, I installed an MIT Windows XP into VMware
and the first issue that I can see is that of certificates.


In order to download and install more software from IS&T (e.g. antivirus)
directly into the VM, I have to install a server certificate and a personal
certificate. That means that this VM will now have my identity attached to
it. So before I installed the certs, I made a user account for me that I can
install things with, rather than install my certs into the Admin account.


That (a) reinforces my feeling that it would be good to have a blessed VM
since there's more to it than meets the eye, and (b) validates Jim's
comments that it would be good to get an IS&T reading on this. I'm happy to
noodle along on my own, having now broached the subject, and hope that
eventually there is a customized MIT appliance that could be used for this
kind of thing.




On Mar 10, 2008, at 2:16 PM, Allan Doyle wrote:


On Mar 10, 2008, at 2:07 PM, James Cain wrote:



I have several, however there are licensing issues that need to be addressed
before such wholesale exchange of VMs occurs.  (Yes I understand that MIT
has a site license for XP) Perhaps someone from IS&T can jump into this?


It may help to describe how I would use these... at the Museum, most people
have Macs, and have an occasional need to run Windows software. I'd like to
build up a VM that has a rock-solid MIT Windows XP setup (with Virus
checking, auto update, etc. - whatever makes the most sense) and then layer
our museum software on top of that. Most of the people who would use the VM
would not be particularly Windows-literate.


Since I'm also not overly into Windows, I'd be happiest to start with a VM
that's been set up by someone who is.


So, yes, a good word from someone at IS&T would be welcome.





Best Regards,



On Mar 10, 2008, at 1:55 PM, Allan Doyle wrote:

In the spirit of the VMware appliance marketplace at
 - are there any pre-built MIT virtual machines to be had?

In particular, a pre-installed MIT Windows XP would be nice.

Allan Doyle
Director of Technology
MIT Museum

Macpartners mailing list
Macpartners at mit.edu


James R Cain


Educational Technology Liaison

Office of Educational Innovation and Technology

Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Education         

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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Allan Doyle

Director of Technology

MIT Museum






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Allan Doyle

Director of Technology

MIT Museum






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