[Macpartners] VMware appliances with MIT software

Allan Doyle afdoyle at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 10 14:16:52 EDT 2008

On Mar 10, 2008, at 2:07 PM, James Cain wrote:

> Allan,
> I have several, however there are licensing issues that need to be  
> addressed before such wholesale exchange of VMs occurs.  (Yes I  
> understand that MIT has a site license for XP) Perhaps someone from  
> IS&T can jump into this?

It may help to describe how I would use these... at the Museum, most  
people have Macs, and have an occasional need to run Windows software.  
I'd like to build up a VM that has a rock-solid MIT Windows XP setup  
(with Virus checking, auto update, etc. - whatever makes the most  
sense) and then layer our museum software on top of that. Most of the  
people who would use the VM would not be particularly Windows-literate.

Since I'm also not overly into Windows, I'd be happiest to start with  
a VM that's been set up by someone who is.

So, yes, a good word from someone at IS&T would be welcome.


> Best Regards,
> Jim
> On Mar 10, 2008, at 1:55 PM, Allan Doyle wrote:
>> In the spirit of the VMware appliance marketplace at http://www.vmware.com/appliances/
>>  - are there any pre-built MIT virtual machines to be had?
>> In particular, a pre-installed MIT Windows XP would be nice.
>> 	Allan
>> -- 
>> Allan Doyle
>> Director of Technology
>> MIT Museum
>> +1.617.452.2111
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> James R Cain											617.253.3909
> Educational Technology Liaison							http://web.mit.edu/jrcain
> Office of Educational Innovation and Technology				http://web.mit.edu/due/OEIT.html
> Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Education	
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Allan Doyle
Director of Technology
MIT Museum

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