[Macpartners] Google iCal Sync Available

Brian Bulmer bbulmer at MIT.EDU
Tue Dec 2 14:14:53 EST 2008

I just figured I'd share this info with you all.

A new version of CalDev collaboration has been released that allows  
syncing of google calendars to Apple's iCal very easily. It's a two  
way, live sync as well, so no need to use "Spanning" or other sync  
methods that had a few issues. I've tested it with a few users, and it  
works great.



Brian Bulmer
DITR Information Technology Consultant
Information Services and Technology, MIT
Office: (617) 253-2163
bbulmer at mit.edu
Please note:  MIT IS&T staff will NEVER ask you for your password, nor  
any email requesting your password information.  Please ignore any  
email messages that claim to require you to provide such information.

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