[Macpartners] Moving e-messages to a new Mac

Marion Leeds Carroll mlcar at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 15 21:39:39 EDT 2008

I have been storing email on my HD forever, because I use it for vital  
"how-to" information, as well as for keeping a record of my activities  
and my colleagues' addresses.  This goes back to my years with Eudora,  
and my record-keeping is so formalized that when I moved from Eudora  
to AppleMail, I set up the same "virtual filing cabinet" of emails on  
my HD, rather than set up a whole new set of mailboxes on the server.

I have a new Mac... a Leopard instead of a Panther... and I'm  
struggling with moving things in.  My boss picked up the whole Mail  
program for me (among other things) and dropped it into my Leopard...  
but as the weeks go by, I'm finding there are important pieces of  
email that got left behind.  I still have my Panther, and can find the  
information on it... but eventually I'll have to give up the old cat

I've been trying to figure out where the emails actually live on the  
HD, hoping I can manually drag the files from one machine to the  
other... but I can't find them.  Using the "Spotlight" search feature  
doesn't help.  Does anyone know the answer?


Marion Leeds Carroll
MIT Libraries Web Assistant
mlcar at mit.edu

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