[Macpartners] mail 2.1 and long lines of text

Felix Kreisel fjk at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 24 11:42:26 EDT 2007

when I read the messages below, the lines of each message extend  
beyond my viewing window. However, when I forward them, as now, the  
lines conform to my editing window. How do I force Mail to display  
the message properly?

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Dave Broderick" <djbroder at MIT.EDU>
Date: September 24, 2007 11:24:48 AM EDT
To: "Sands Fish" <sands at MIT.EDU>
Cc: "itpartners at MIT.EDU" <itpartners at MIT.EDU>
Subject: RE: Bluetooth ID's


I have discovered much over the weekend. Mostly that my T-40 does not  
offer anywhere near the functionality of my T-61 in terms of  
Bluetooth, even though I have the latest Bluetooth drivers for the  
T-40. Bluetooth was not “ready for Prime Time” in many devices made  
four years ago. Even my Motorola i870 phone is a relic.

From: Sands Fish [mailto:sands at MIT.EDU]
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 10:21 AM
To: Dave Broderick
Cc: itpartners at mit.edu
Subject: Re: Bluetooth ID's


I don't have a lot of experience with Bluetooth technologies, but the  
typical process I've seen is that there is a way to enable  
"discoverability" on either of the devices.  This may only enable  
itself for a short time for security.  During that time period, the  
discovering device can poll for available Bluetooth devices.  Some  
devices require "pairing" to occur in which case, once

Felix Kreisel - Systems Engineer,
Plasma Science & Fusion Center, MIT
617-253-8625   fjk at mit.edu

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