[Macpartners] iCal and 12 am confusion

Jonathan Reed jdreed at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 11 11:11:42 EDT 2007

Hi Felix,

It may be a bug that is causing iCal to display an event at noon  
before an event in the morning, however iCal is correct about noon  
and midnight.  Noon, or midday, is in fact 12:00pm.  Midnight is  
12:00am.  If you change your country settings in the "International"  
System Preference to something like the UK, for example, you'll see  
that iCal correctly turns noon into 12:00 and midnight into 00:00.

Try switching to a 24-hour time and see if the bug occurs then.


On Oct 11, 2007, at 10:19 AM, Felix Kreisel wrote:

> Hi, I just discovered a bug in iCal when dealing with 12 noon. I  
> have an event scheduled in the morning. Next, I have an event that  
> starts at noon. iCal places the noon event ahead of the morning  
> event on the . This bug probably has to do with the widespread  
> confusion of what midnight and noon mean: 12 am or 12 pm. The  
> exploded Day view explains the extent of Apple's confusion:  
> midnight is equated to 12 am, which is followed an hour later by 1  
> am. Noon, apparently, is at 12 pm, followed an hour later by 1 pm.
> Stupid!
> Felix Kreisel - Systems Engineer,
> Plasma Science & Fusion Center, MIT
> 617-253-8625   fjk at mit.edu
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Jonathan Reed
Client Support Services
Information Services & Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
jdreed at mit.edu

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