[Macpartners] FileMaker Pro/Server database creation?

Scott Ehrlich scott at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 9 13:12:56 EST 2007

We have FM Server installed 8 on a Windows server 2000, and I have FM Pro 
8.5 on my XP Pro machine.

I was able to establish a connection to FM Server's sample database, but 
cannot figure out how to create a connection to a new database.

I created a test database on my workstation, sneakernetted it to the same 
directory as the sample test database FM provides, but FM Pro couldn't 
find it when I selected fmnet:/server/my_test_database

I strongly believe I'm missing something, but don't know what...

I looked through the pdf files of the campus media, google, FM Pro's own 
help files, and the FM web site knowledge base.

Once I get a successful connection from my XP Pro machine to the new 
database on the server, I trust it will also work for the Mac?   I've got 
my Mac standing by to test, too.

Any help?



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