[Macpartners] iPhone arrival & purchase

Helen Rose hrose at MIT.EDU
Wed Jun 20 16:10:39 EDT 2007

Do you plan to buy iPhone for yourself and/or your users? Do you plan  
to be one of the crazies standing in line at the Apple Store in  
Cambridge at 6pm on Friday, June 29?

I'm getting a group of people together who would share "standing in  
line time" for the day. We'll decide what time the first person  
should stand in line at Cambridgeside, and then split the time evenly  
between all interested parties between the start time and 5:45pm. At  
5:45pm, all parties will have to return in preparation for purchase.  
I can't buy any units for people outside my department.

Are you interested? Drop me a line.


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