[Macpartners] OpenDirectory scripting?

Mark Pearrow mpearrow at csail.mit.edu
Wed Jul 25 10:36:23 EDT 2007

Hi all,

I'm using an OpenDirectory server to provide authentication for some  
of our lab macintoshes, using the process described in the following  


(Which works well, btw) However, Part of the process is that I need  
to set the dsAttrTypeStandard:AuthenticationAuthority attribute for  
each user's record to their CSAIL Kerberos principal, e.g.,  
mpearrow at CSAIL.MIT.EDU.

Since I've imported a ton of user records already (Using Passport,  
since I couldn't quite get the Tiger import wizard to do what I  
needed). I figure there has to be a scriptical way to do this for all  
my existing users, but so far I have to edit each record by hand in  
the Workgroup Manager. Has anyone written scripts, Applescript or  
otherwise, for mass-munging OD records this way?


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