[Macpartners] Summary - open pdfs in adobe not browser window

Karen Johnson karenj at MIT.EDU
Tue Aug 21 16:20:00 EDT 2007

Here is the info to accomplish this.

Turning off the pdf viewer via a terminal command did not work after  
installing adobe 8 but will work on the machines with adobe 7 because  
7 does not have the pdf viewer. If you have adobe 8 delete the pdf  
viewer to get this to work.

One other thing too. I entered the terminal command logged in as the  
admin then tested as the user. I thought that any terminal commands  
would apply to the machine but that is not so. Once the terminal  
command was entered in the user account this worked.

Thanks for all the help!


> Enter this in Terminal:
> defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitOmitPDFSupport -bool YES
> ...and then relaunch Safari.
> You can undo this by repeating the above with NO instead of YES
> Justin Anderson
> Macintosh Developer - ISDA
> Information Services and Technology
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> jander at mit.edu

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