[Macpartners] question re 8/1 Security Update, 2007-007 (Power PC)

Gurukarm Khalsa gkkhalsa at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 2 12:24:45 EDT 2007

Has anyone else noticed a quite significant slowdown of their  
machines after installing this update? Or was I the only one who  
jumped in and installed the second it showed up?? :-)  Apps are  
opening slowly, menu actions within apps responding slowly (lots of  
spinning beachballs), etc. etc.

I have a dual CPU G5 tower (PowerMac 7.2), 10.4.10, 2GB RAM.

Worstcase, is there any way to uninstall the update, or roll back to  
the previous system state?


Gurukarm K. Khalsa
MIT Dept. of Biology Web Manager & Sr. Admin. Ass't.
68-132, 617-452-3683  :::  HQ phone: 617-253-4701

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