[Macpartners] FW: Feedback for Apple

Don Montabana donm at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 4 15:51:40 EDT 2007



The request for information below was sent to CSS staff today. After sending
it I realized that I wanted a broader view so I'm sending this same request
to you. If there are others you belive have input that we should be aware of
please let me know and I'll be happy to include them.



I will be heading out to an Apple Executive Council meeting in Cupertino on
May 3 and while I have a number of comments/suggestions to make to Apple I
wanted to solicit your comments/suggestions from two perspectives:


-        What are your pain points with Apple (products, services, support)
and equally importantly


-        What ways can we partner with them (technology-wise) going forward?



This is a chance to be heard. Although far from their biggest academic
customer the MIT name and reputation carry a fair amount of weight with
them. Any and all comments appreciated.






Don Montabana
Director, Client Support Services
Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building N42-175
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
Office: (617)253-5654
Fax: (617)258-9535
 <mailto:donm at mit.edu> donm at mit.edu        <http://web.mit.edu/ist/org/css>

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