[Macpartners] Podcating seminars - Feb 14th and Feb 17th

Mateja Miljacki mateja at apple.com
Fri Jan 27 11:21:47 EST 2006

Would you like to listen to lectures or lessons on demand? Podcasting  
can deliver educational content for listening or viewing on your  
computer and iPod, freeing learning from constraints of the physical  

A podcast is audio or visual content that is automatically delivered  
over a network via free subscription. Once subscribed to, podcasts  
can be regularly distributed over the Internet or within your  
school’s network and accessed with an iPod, laptop, or desktop  
computer (both Macs and PCs).  iTunes is perfect not only for your  
music jukebox, but it can also manage your podcasts and take  
advantage of the iTunes Music Store's free podcast directory.

At this free seminar, you'll learn how schools and universities are  
using the iPod and podcasting to enhance curriculum, capture  
students' attention and provide unprecedented opportunities to  
deliver and access education content.  You will also see how Apple  
provides the complete solution for podcasting from creation to  
distribution and access.

Register quickly - seats are limited!

Dates and Locations:
Event Date: Feb 14, 2006
Time: 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern
	Apple's Boston Office
	111 Huntington Ave - 5th Floor
	Boston, MA 02199
	Registration: http://seminars.apple.com/goToEvent.html?id=42240

Event Date: Feb 17, 2006
Time: 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern
	Apple's Boston Office
	111 Huntington Ave - 5th Floor
	Boston, MA 02199
	Registration: http://seminars.apple.com/goToEvent.html?id=42244

Hope to se you there!

Mateja Miljacki
mateja at apple.com
Systems Engineer
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