[Macpartners] Mac OS X 10.4.4

Albert Willis awillis at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 11 14:42:10 EST 2006

Apple released Mac OS X 10.4.4 yesterday.

Based on what I know currently, it's probably okay to upgrade to  
10.4.4, but as usual, you should take the following precautions:

- wait a few days before upgrading, to see if re-produceable problems  
are reported

- have a current backup

- verify that your hard drive is in good shape; users of 10.4.3 can  
use the Verify Disk option in Disk Utility to check; others should  
boot from an install CD and use Disk Utility.

- test on a non-production machine before rolling it out more widely

- run repair permissions after the upgrade

Of course, if you run into problems or issues, please send email to  
the Mac Partners email list.

   -- Al

Albert Willis
Macintosh Platform Coordinator - Software Release Team
Client Support Services
Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
awillis at mit.edu

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