[Macpartners] Certificates on Safari 1.3.1 (v312.3.1)

Gurukarm Khalsa gkkhalsa at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 26 11:15:30 EDT 2005

Carolyn, two things: I'm seeing my current version of Safari on 
10.3.9 is 2.0.1 (412.5), which might make a difference. And, second, 
I recently was told that if you have old, expired, certificates in 
the keychain for Safari, newly installed ones might still not work 
right. So you might try deleting any old certificates and 
reinstalling new ones.


At 11:02 AM -0400 10/26/05, Carolyn Fuller wrote:
>We are having trouble with certificates & Safari on a Macintosh 
>running the latest version of 10.3.9. The version of Safari is 1.3.1 
>We've checked the MIT CA and it looks like it is correctly installed 
>as a X509 certificate authority. And we've deleted all expired 
>personal certificates and reinstalled a new personal certificate but 
>the user still can not access any of the employee self service web 
>pages. She is able to access these pages from Netscape.
>From Safari she is getting the following error message:
>Safari can't open the page xxxxx because it couldn't establish a 
>secure connection to the server xxxx.
>Any ideas?
>Carolyn Fuller
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>Information Services and Technology
>Administrative Computing
>Senior Analyst/ Programmer
>(617) 253-6213

Gurukarm K. Khalsa            Course 7 & Biology Dept. Web Ofc
68-132, 617-452-3683	 MIT Dept. of Biology
gkkhalsa at mit.edu              http://mit.edu/biology/www/

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