[Macpartners] question re Airport Extreme base station

Gurukarm Khalsa gkkhalsa at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 18 14:20:42 EDT 2005

I have a user who needs to replace an older Airport base station at 
home, and I'm a bit confused about which of two stations as shown on 
the Apple MIT B2E store website is her correct solution.

Of course I need to save money for our department (this is for a 
departmental laptop she uses when working from home), so the Airport 
Express Base Station with AirTunes for $119.00 is more attractive 
than the AirPort Extreme Base Station (with modem and antenna port) 
for $179.00.

But, do the two items do essentially the same tasks? Would she be 
able to connect her laptop wirelessly with the Airtunes version?

Gurukarm K. Khalsa 		MIT Dept. of Biology
Computing help in Building 68	biocomp at mit.edu

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