[Macpartners] setting file Kind under OS X

Albert Willis awillis at MIT.EDU
Fri Oct 14 14:01:12 EDT 2005

On Oct 13, 2005, at 9:45 AM, Sue Felshin wrote:

> Hi.  I have a passle of files whose Kind is incorrect after being
> restored after a disk failure.  The applications they (should) belong
> to don't recognize them and refuse to open them, but the contents of
> the files (data forks, anyway) seems okay.  In OS 9 or earlier, I
> would have used ResEdit to manually fix the Kind, but I can't find a
> version of ResEdit that works with OS X.  Can anyone tell me how to
> fix this problem in OS X?
> Thanks,
> Sue

If you want to change the type and creator of a file, you can use  
XRay (http://www.brockerhoff.net/xray/) to do so.

Also, a similar question came up on Mac OS X Hints; it's possible to  
rebuild the launch services database, which is how Mac OS X knows  
what applications a file should be associated with. Take a look at  

   -- Al

Albert Willis
Macintosh Platform Coordinator - Software Release Team
Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
awillis at mit.edu

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