[Macpartners] 10.4.3

Mateja Miljacki mateja at apple.com
Wed Nov 2 17:57:33 EST 2005


As you may already know Apple has released the 10.4.3 update for both  
Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server.
Please work with the IS&T team on support for this update.

For the entire list of of enhancements please visit:

	Mac OS X: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=301984

	Mac OS X Server: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=302089

Some of the highlights include:

  • Weblog server (blojsom)  - integration with podcasting and RSS2  

  • Spotlight - improved responsiveness and increased functionality  
within Mail

  • Automator - several ehancements, functional and performance to  
Apple's Automator

  • iChat - now supports encrypted chat

  • Multicast ASR - a number of improvements to the built-in "Ghost  
like" image deployment

  • Directory service updates  - improving the Logon experience and  
portable home directories

  • Software update server



Mateja Miljacki
mateja at apple.com
Systems Engineer
o: 617-718-9955

AppleCare Support
Apple Science
Technical Resources for Integrating Mac OS X

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