[Macpartners] Tiger & VPNClient

Carolyn Fuller fuller at MIT.EDU
Wed May 4 12:52:41 EDT 2005

Hi all,

VPNClient Version 4.6.00 returned error 51 when I launched it under 
Tiger. Otherwise, I've not encountered any problems running my 
applications, including Classic applications, under Tiger. The Mail.app 
IMAP problems we encountered when we upgraded to 10.3.9 have been 
resolved in Tiger.

I have heard that SAPGui does not work if running under the new 1.4 
Java but it does work for me because the basic upgrade left Java 1.3.1 
intact, which is what my SAPGui is using. But I'm not going to risk my 
office desktop until there is an official blessing that SAPGui will 

The Spotlight feature is quickly going to become a 
how-did-I-ever-live-without kind of application!

Carolyn Fuller
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Information Services and Technology
Administrative Computing
Senior Analyst/ Programmer
(617) 253-6213

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