[Macpartners] iBook Screen doesn't come on after sleep

Steve Whittaker swhitt at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 11 15:09:45 EDT 2005

To get the data off you can boot into Firewire Target mode and then  
plug it using a firewire cable into another computer. The way to do  
this is simply to hold down the T button during the boot process.

On Aug 11, 2005, at 3:03 PM, Carolyn Fuller wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just got the following email from a friend:
> "I was working the Mac iBook yesteday, left it on as usual.  Went  
> to push the on button to "wake it" up but nothing happened.  Black  
> screen.  Sounds like it's running but nothing.  Push the button for  
> a long bit to get it shut down.  Wait a few moments and turn it on  
> again, starts to boot up and then black screen, noise like it's  
> running.  ARRRGGGHHHHHHH.  Any ideas?  Please......!"
> Does anyone have any ideas about what is going on and what she  
> should do? She has some critical work on this computer and is  
> working under a very tight dead line.
> Thanks for any help!
> ---
> Carolyn Fuller
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> Information Services and Technology
> Administrative Computing
> Senior Analyst/ Programmer
> (617) 253-6213
> http://fuller.mit.edu/
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