[Macpartners] Wait on installing Mac OS X 10.3.9

Albert Willis awillis at MIT.EDU
Sat Apr 16 23:00:05 EDT 2005

Friday night, Apple released Mac OS X 10.3.9. You can read about it at 

There are several reports of Java not working. After installing the 
update, I can confirm that Java no longer works. One way to know if 
Java is working is to launch Terminal and use the following command: 
java -version. You should get Java's version information.

After installing 10.3.9, you get the error message "segmentation fault".

SAPgui uses Mac OS X's Java runtime environment, so it's likely that 
SAPgui won't launch after an upgrade to Mac OS X 10.3.9, although I 
haven't been able to confirm that.

Given that, I would recommend not upgrading to Mac OS X 10.3.9 at this 
time. Monday is a holiday in Massachusetts, but not in California; 
hopefully Apple will fix the updater before Tuesday.

   -- Al

Albert Willis
Macintosh Platform Coordinator - Software Release Team
Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
awillis at mit.edu

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