[Macpartners] Apple Software Restore/Carbon Copy Cloner problems on cloning Beige G3s...

vanni vanni.at.mit.edu at MIT.EDU
Fri May 21 12:19:17 EDT 2004

I have  cloned stuff like that before (but it has been a while).
If I remember the steps/key_facts properly ...this was the optimal path.

     remove the HD (to be cloned)
        and put it as a secondary HD on a working machine.

     Partition it as follows 

               750MB - OS9
                 3GB - OsX
                 ~   - the rest 

     Use Carbon Copy
         ** Do not forget to bless OsX (for Old World machines)

     Put the HD drive in the Beige MAC.

         It should now boot Os9
            IF not .... boot from CD and just run "startup disk"
            to make it point to OsX (10.2)


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