[Macpartners] repair of broken powerbook hinges

Susan Midlarsky susan at aspiring-arts.com
Tue Jul 27 15:33:17 EDT 2004

>Unfortunatly, apparently there is some stuff they can't repair on site. I
>brought in my G3 iBook -- problem is that when the display is tipped back more
>than about 95 degrees, it goes dark. I checked the serial numbers and my G3
>doesn't qualify for the extended warranty offered on faulty G3 displays. PC
>Services told me that the manufacturer won't permit them to work on the
>displays and it would have to go to Apple. Minimum cost would likely be
>something like $400,

It's actually cheaper to take something like this to an Apple retail 
store. You can save about $100.
.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.
Susan Midlarsky, Happy Artist
	Aspiring Arts

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