[Macpartners] repair of broken powerbook hinges

William T.G. Litant wlitant at MIT.EDU
Tue Jul 27 11:29:02 EDT 2004

Unfortunatly, apparently there is some stuff they can't repair on site. I
brought in my G3 iBook -- problem is that when the display is tipped back more
than about 95 degrees, it goes dark. I checked the serial numbers and my G3
doesn't qualify for the extended warranty offered on faulty G3 displays. PC
Services told me that the manufacturer won't permit them to work on the
displays and it would have to go to Apple. Minimum cost would likely be
something like $400, and it could be as much as a grand - they couldn't even
estimate until Apple looked at it and responded. Needless to say, it's going to
be more than the computer is worth.

Bill Litant

Quoting Nate Herzog <z0g at MIT.EDU>:

> PC Services is a certified Apple repair shop. Part of the reason why we 
> feature Apple products in our showroom is that we can repair them on 
> site. I believe that PC Services has some sort of deal that for 
> $300-$400 (not sure of the exact price or the conditions) they'll do a 
> full overhaul of your system board, memory, etc.  It's certainly worth 
> contacting them and seeing what they can do for you.
> nate
> -----------------
> Nate Herzog
> MIT Computing Help Desk
> z0g at mit.edu
> On Jul 27, 2004, at 10:54, Felix Kreisel wrote:
> > Since PC Service cannot repair Powerbooks I suggest contacting the 
> > Computer Loft in Allston.
> > The URL is http://www.computerloft.com
> >
> > They are (or were a year ago) an authorized Apple dealer and did a 
> > creditable job on my Cube.
> > -- 
> >
> > Felix Kreisel - Systems Engineer   617-253-8625
> >  Plasma Science & Fusion Center, MIT
> >  190 Albany st. Cambridge, MA 02139
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