[Macpartners] Re: multiple copies received of some e-mails from single list?

Laura Baldwin boojum at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 28 16:02:14 EDT 2004

If you're on a mailman list twice (for example, because you're on the
list with your own address, and then another list you're on is on the
list), then you'll get two copies.  

This is because duplicate suppression is currently off on the PO
servers, so the duplicates aren't being pruned out the way we're used

Additionally, moira lists prune duplicates before sending messages,
while mailman can't, so when a moira list gets converted to mailman,
you see duplicates that you didn't before.

If there's a particular list that a particular person is getting a
duplicate message from, accounts at mit.edu can generally track down why
(that is, what the duplicate entries are).  

-Laura Baldwin

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