[Macpartners] Reminder: Mac Partners meeting TODAY, 12-1:30, N42 Demo Center

John C. Welch jwelch at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 20 09:07:41 EDT 2004

On 4/20/04 7:34 AM, "Albert Willis" <awillis at MIT.EDU> wrote:

> Many users are now using applications such as Safari 1.2 (or greater)
> that use keychains to manage user information, such as web site logins
> and passwords and personal certificates. We'll shed some light on how
> keychains work and how to manage them using the Keychain Access
> program. We'll also provide guidelines on how to properly secure
> information stored in keychains.

Don't forget to point out that it's scriptable, which makes it a better
alternative for scripts needing passwords than hardcoding the password in
the script. I used that to set up automounts, etc., for the Chief's iBook.


"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
 --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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