[Macpartners] Apple Mail & SMTP authentication

Marshall Vale mjv at MIT.EDU
Fri Nov 14 17:09:29 EST 2003

At 3:31 PM -0500 11/12/03, Carolyn Fuller wrote:
>How do I configure Apple Mail for SMTP authentication?

If you are using Mail.app with Panther, you can also just use 
Kerberos to authenticate your e-mail so you don't end up storing your 
password on the system:

- Change the Authentication popup in the SMTP Server Options dialog 
to "Kerberos Version 5 (GSSAPI)"
- Enter your Kerberos username in the User Name field of the same dialog
- Switch the Port to: 587

If you want to wrap the Kerberos authentication with SSL also  you can also
- Check the Use SSL checkbox
- Change the Port to 465
- Leave the authentication to Kerberos v5 and your Kerberos username 
in the User Name field.

This also works under Jaguar but the Jaguar Mail.app has a crashing 
bug with sending e-mail of a certain size when using Kerberos v5 GSS 
authentication. I guess the moral of the story there is to write 
shorter e-mails.


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