[Macpartners] Question

Hans Dietrich hansdiet at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 4 08:51:16 EST 2003

Hi Samuel.
I found this on the Apple web site. Go to the link and you can follow 
the discussion. I have copied the "lead" which started it.



I have traced my various problems with Panther (wow...you just 
wouldn't believe...) to using File Vault. No problem will be evident 
until you restart your computer 1-5 times (depending on how much data 
is being swapped around on your hard drive on the home folder), but 
at one of these points, you will restart your machine to see that 
your preferences are scambled like crazy. My guess is that somehow, 
while encrypting data on the fly, File Vault causes the file system 
to lose track of the placement of the data, and/or this proccess 
corrupts the data to the point the system or a program resets itself. 
I know several people are talking about problems with it.

If you are experiencing problems with your new install, I suggest 
checking File Vault first. If it is not enabled, your problem 
obviously stems from something else.

Also, I spoke with Apple support last night about this issue. 
Unfortunately, they are clueless. It seems no one at Apple support 
has really used File Vault at all. I got switched to 4 different 
people. Finally this wonderful lady said she would get a team on it, 
and she'd call me back on the issue. So far, I've yet to hear back 
from anyone.

I find it amazing that "technical specialist" (as they called the 
last two people who spoke with me) had no idea about File Vault from 
never using it. I even had one support guy argue with me about File 
Vault issuing a dialogue box after restarting or shutting down a 
machine that prompts the user to regain lost data from the use of 
File Vault. He said such a thing did not occur and accused me of 
installing some 3rd party item.

Do not hit continue, by the way, for it only makes matters worse. 
After disabling File Vault, my system is fine. Matter of fact, it is 
wonderful, and I'd say it's an exemplary upgrade overall. I'm 
impressed, after torturing my system to see if File Vault was indeed 
the culprit, that no data loss occurred on my machine aside from 
preference related items.

Anyone else find what I'm saying to be true? Hope I caught, at least, 
some people in time to help.

>Has anyone had a problems with filevault on OS10.3?  In particular, 
>the symptoms are that it erases settings when you log in if you use 
>the 'recover space' option.
>Also, Macromedia Contribute and Backup don't seem to work.
>Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
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>Macpartners at mit.edu

Hans Dietrich
phone 6172531313
IS/DITR Consultant

Life is a walk on a beach.
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