[Macpartners] Fetch 4.03 and 10.3

Marshall Vale mjv at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 4 03:01:25 EST 2003

At 9:41 PM -0500 11/3/03, Dante Roulette wrote:
>Has anyone had probs w/ Fetch 4?  I can't
>get it to launch on 10.3.  I get a shared library
>error involving Carbonlib.

You need to install the current Kerberos Extras in order to get an 
updated Kerberos CFM shim library compatible with Panther (and also 

There is information on this situation here: 
however it does not list the error reported by Fetch.

You can download the Extras from: <http://web.mit.edu/software/mac.html>

More information about the Kerberos Extras package is available from: 


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