[Macpartners] Update: APPLE-SA-2003-06-09 Security Update 2003-06-09

Albert Willis awillis at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 13 16:07:06 EDT 2003

Version 2.0 of this installer is now available from Apple via 
Software Update. Same security fixes; however the login button 
continues to work after applying the update.

   -- Al

>Apple's 2003-06-09 Security Update does cause a problem with the 
>login screen, but it depends on how you login whether you'll see it 
>or not.
>If you normally use the name and password method for login, you 
>won't see a problem.
>However, if you use the List of users method (in order to login, you 
>click from a list of users and then type your password), clicking on 
>the login button no longer allows you to login--even if your 
>password is correct. However, pressing the return or enter key does 
>So, if you've applied the update, pressing return or enter is the 
>work around if your login button no longer works.
>If you haven't applied the update and this is important to you, you 
>may wish to wait until Apple releases a fix for this problem.
>   -- Al
>Macpartners mailing list
>Macpartners at mit.edu

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