[Macpartners] Update: APPLE-SA-2003-06-09 Security Update 2003-06-09

Albert Willis awillis at MIT.EDU
Tue Jun 10 17:08:37 EDT 2003

Apple's 2003-06-09 Security Update does cause a problem with the 
login screen, but it depends on how you login whether you'll see it 
or not.

If you normally use the name and password method for login, you won't 
see a problem.

However, if you use the List of users method (in order to login, you 
click from a list of users and then type your password), clicking on 
the login button no longer allows you to login--even if your password 
is correct. However, pressing the return or enter key does work.

So, if you've applied the update, pressing return or enter is the 
work around if your login button no longer works.

If you haven't applied the update and this is important to you, you 
may wish to wait until Apple releases a fix for this problem.

   -- Al

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